Amazon is one of the largest online stores engaged in e-commerce business. A user can find unlimited items on this store. They can buy any item from this store. In a physical store or large malls, they can find several items that are placed systematically. Such large malls usually comprise several departments. Each department is divided into distinct categories. Different category items are placed on a different shelf or any storage system. To maintain an online store, they should exhibit every item in an organized way.
Some important features of the e-commerce sites
The users should be able to find their desired items quickly online. So, they install some important features such as categories, filters, and different search options. The customers can find their favorite items by choosing the category of items, filtering the item by brand, price, color, size, etc. The search engine system should be optimal so that as soon the user inserts the keyword, the user is able to find the item desired.
Cloning Amazon features
The other sites do Amazon clone websites to promote their site and to add important features. So, Amazon has installed some of the important features so that the users are able to access the items easily and they are able to interact with the members online. The search engine system of Amazon is so optimal that the users can find the category of the item on the search engine. They can choose the type of item, they desire to buy. Then, they can filter the type of items for every category. When they use their category, then they can use the filter feature and type the keyword of the desired item. For e.g. If the user wants to buy automotive products, then he should just choose ‘automative, then on the left-hand corner, he can find the option, the type of product required, whether ‘used’, ‘collectible’ or ‘new’. So, they can use the same process to buy other items. They can search for the deals of the day. So, it has some of the important features that can be copied by the other websites.
To promote products online, these features are essential. So, the other users can borrow ideas from this site. They can also borrow the feature of creating accounts and creating lists of items desired. The users can order for the items and maintain a track of the items purchased. The feature of adding items to the cart is borrowed by most of the website owners. The site provides some important features such as gift cards that can be sent through different methods such as e-gift, mail and print-at-home method. So, the other users can borrow their ideas and use their own icons for different methods of sending these e-gifts. The gift cards are categorized into three parts namely gift, Print at home and Mail.
So, they borrow their ideas to add some of the important features that are essential for smooth operations. They have installed some of these features using their own ideas such as managing prime, returning and refunding, digital service support. Most of the sites have done Amazon clone to add some of these important features.