Conveyor systems are aspects of mechanical handling systems responsible for transporting materials between different places and are often found at airports and other locations such as scrapyards.
Conveyors are useful to transport items in an easier, more convenient and faster way and without them manual labour would be required; something that would be less cost-effective and less efficient. Commercial conveyors are made use of in a number of different industries such as food, warehouses, transportation, recycling, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing.
Roller conveyor systems have been the major form of this technology type for a long time now, comprising of long connecting trays full of tubes that are able to move objects on them just by rotating with natural gravity and needing no power, making them an ideal green alternative.
One of the best benefits of these conveyors is that the trays are made as open-ended modules able to fit together to create whatever length distance is required for the needs of a particular workplace. The modules can be completely customised and adapted, being curved to allow them to go round corners and with the capability of adding or removing sections.
Conveyor rollers are hollow tubes that are normally manufactured out of stainless steel though may sometimes be composed of high impact plastic with bearings on both ends that enable the rollers to turn smoothly.
Another massive benefit of conveyors is that they require very little in the way of maintenance. A roller that needs to be replaced can simply be pushed sideways before it is pulled out a new one fitted in its place.
Such repairs take very little time and make little or no difference to the overall productivity of a business. Roller conveyors are ideal for moving items of all weights and sizes and can be invaluable when trying to move packaged goods as quickly as possible in a warehouse environment.
Another benefit of roller conveyors for businesses is that fast food outlets can use them to move small cartons while airports use them to move luggage to cut down on delays. Roller conveyors help these types of operations to cut down on energy, time and the size of the workforce required while also benefitting workers who do not have to carry often heavy packages across large distances manually.
There are a number of other advantages to roller conveyor systems. They are adaptable, completely customisable and very flexible in addition to being cost-effective in regards to installation and in terms of being a long-term investment.
Roller conveyors can adapt to various lengths and even be moved or dismantled with relative ease. Conveyors can also be constructed to allow for the transportation of materials across different levels in the likes of factories, with almost no height limitations.
Moving packaged goods using a roller conveyor system that is powered only by gravity is a fast, reliable and simple process that requires virtually no maintenance and no power, reducing the carbon footprint of any industry by a considerable amount.